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Discovering a Pain Free Life: Millie’s Story

After struggling with PTSD for 15 years, and chronic pain that was triggered by multiple auto accidents, I decided to come here to participate in the Happiness Program and learn how to practice yoga. I wanted to find a way to exercise my body and cope with the pain emotionally and physically.

I am a biologist that does research that requires a lot of tenacity. In my field you never know what you’re going to get. One needs passion and fire in their soul to keep after those questions they have been asking, to try to find answers and solutions to real world problems. This course has empowered me to have the confidence in myself to go that extra mile, do those late night experiments, and solve those problems.

When I came here I was taking pain medicine for my back, I was unable to drive from fear of another accident, I had anxiety, and was riddled with depression and fear. I also had fear, coming here, that I would not improve, because many other methods had not worked for me.

During my stay here I had various treatments at the spa and participated in yoga and the Happiness Program. While having an open mind and heart and  receiving care and love during my treatment I discovered that my lower back pain is gone. I have learned tangible tools to keep myself calm through any situation. I’m not waiting for my next pain pill, and I feel a greater sense of inner peace, calm, and victory over the things that were making my life closed and small.

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“I feel a greater sense of inner peace, calm, and feeling of victory over the things that were making my life closed and small.”

I’ve also had insomnia for about 15 years, and with the techniques that we learned in the Happiness course I am now able to sleep soundly through the night without getting up and disturbing that precious REM sleep that restores the body and the spirit. I feel invigorated, confident, and excited to go back and do the things I enjoy without fear, anxiety, and the things that take away from everyday experiences.

One thing I could say to anyone who has post traumatic stress disorder, any kind of emotional dis-regulation, who is struggling and feeling that they can’t do the things they want in their lives, is that my experience here has changed my life.

Anyone who isn’t struggling with an emotional imbalance would love it because it gives one a sense of community, spirituality,and connectivity with nature and others.

Everyone should come here and immerse themselves in healing and peace because it will give you a new lease on life and empower you. It is something so invaluable that will carry me, happily, through the rest of my life.

The Happiness Retreat

Our most popular program, the Happiness Retreat has something for everyone, whether you’ve never meditated before or have a life-long practice. You’ll master valuable tools and practices that bring more resiliency, better communication, and more ease into your life.