Ayurveda Recipes

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Thanksgiving the Ayurveda Way

Thanksgiving is almost here along with the memories, the family, the friends, the food. And then there’s the anxiety of preparation and the heavy, bloated aftermath, that sometimes continues into the rest of the week as you savor the leftovers and the freedom of not having to cook for a few days. Is it possible […]

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Recipe: Baked Apples

The old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” turns out to have some basis in fact.  Apples are a good source of pectin, known to promote a healthy gut biome, and to help lower cholesterol and blood sugar. In Ayurvedic terms, raw apples are cold and dry making them a good summer

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Ayurveda Recipe: Chai

Chai originated in India and the folklore surrounding the tea dates back between 5000–9000 years ago. Some say the reigning king created the recipe for Ayurvedic healing. The first chai recipes varied in preparation and taste depending on the region, it was only in the 1930’s when black tea was introduced to the recipe. Here

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Ayurveda Recipe: Healing Kitchari

Kitchari is one of the staple and most important dishes in an Ayurvedic and yogic diet. Usually a mix of two grains. Kitchari is easy to digest and cleanses the entire body. Whenever you feel like you have over-indulged or your digestive system feels sluggish, just cook this easy one-pot recipe to refresh your system. Ingredients

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