
Letting Go by Paul Selig

Letting Go

The relinquishing of a burden, while it may mean great relief, may also mean that the idea of self, the one who has held the burden for so long, must be relinquished because you’ve so self-identified through the burden and its presence and its challenge that you’ve come to believe it’s who you are.

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HSP Retreat 1

Finely Tuned

While sensitive kids might be introverts or extroverts, they are sponges. In a world with gun violence, war, dying glaciers and oceans, entire species facing extinction, and refugees living desperate lives, the news of the world can be intensely overwhelming to young people who notice and process everything deeply.

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HSP Retreat

What Does Retreat Mean for HSPs?

Sometimes life just feels like it wears us down. This has especially been true for 2021. Covid vaccines are rolling out, and some HSPs are ambivalent or confused about what it all means for them personally and for the world…Will I have a strong reaction to the vaccine? Should I even get it? Are we all going back to the frenetic life that was before? Sometimes we start to feel burned out with all the stress and decision fatigue. Sometimes, the ground feels shaky beneath our feet.

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