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Aging in the Middle

I posted a question on Facebook this past week: “What’s been the greatest gift to you, so far, in growing older?” I was blown away by the number of thoughtful, funny, and inspiring responses that came in. Clearly, I’m not alone in finding both challenge and gratitude in the process of aging. The desire to […]

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Makeovers: Then and Now

I recently posted a question on my FB page, “What one piece of advice would you give to your 13-year-old self?” The responses were quite moving (with the exception of the odd-man-out who unabashedly stated, “Hit on more girls.” Oy. Clearly not one of my peeps. A good reminder to check out all friend requests.) There

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A Leap of Faith

A few years ago, I did a terrifying thing: I took off the entire month. Unpaid. Rather last-minute. With no real plan in place. I called it my Sacred Sabbatical, and it came out of a moment of intense clarity in a women’s restroom at the end of what should have been a stellar Red

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