Sri Sri Yoga is the most relaxing style of yoga—a holistic, multidimensional, and purposeful practice that goes beyond the yoga mat to benefit every area of your life. It is an authentic yoga practice brought to you in a way that is accessible, fun, and applicable to contemporary living.
Let’s hear what Sri Sri Yoga practitioners have to say.
I was suffering from severe back pain for five to six months. I went for many treatments, Ayurvedic and allopathic, but none had long-term effects. I was told about Sri Sri Yoga. I am so glad to share that after practicing, I got relieved from my back pain and got a peaceful sleep. Also, it was tremendously relaxing for the mind and soul.
—Keiko T., social worker
I found that the holistic approach of Sri Sri Yoga (postures, breathing, knowledge, and meditation) has helped me to approach life with improved health and physical fitness, enthusiasm, and creativity, with a deep sense of peace and contentment. For me, Sri Sri Yoga practice is essential for daily life.
—Jahir H., entrepreneur
It feels like I slip into meditation while I am still moving the body. After I began doing Sri Sri Yoga, I can feel that my Aikido and gymnastics practice has become much smoother. Overall, my joints and entire body have become more flexible. It has a calming effect on my mind too.
—Charlotte R., nurse
Sri Sri Yoga has helped me relax and decrease stress in general. My sleep has improved, and my appetite is normalizing. For example, I have reduced cravings for sweets.
—Iva T., accountant
I wasn’t sure if Sri Sri Yoga was the ‘real thing’ for me. Going through these yoga poses and meditation was like the dawning of a new day: a lot of light and happiness. Now I feel very grateful and happy. Thank you!
—Chris E., police lieutenant
Sri Sri Yoga is fun, profound, and quietening. I found the mix of postures, breathing, and silence to be unique and invigorating.
—Lilly B.
The practice of Sri Sri Yoga has done miracles for me. I had a gynecological problem, and the scan detected many fibroids in my uterus and ovary. After practicing the asanas recommended for five months, these fibroids mysteriously vanished.
I feel more relaxed and confident now. I find that I am able to interact much better at work, and hence my work-front relationships have improved.
—Ramesh, managing director
I found relief in pain and ailments by 50 percent. I largely benefited from breathwork, and my constant cold has greatly subsided.
—Nagarjuna S., software engineer