Jean Haner

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Jean Haner, author of the book Clear Home Clear Heart, has worked in the field of subtle energy for more than 30 years. A natural intuitive empath, Jean teaches how to feel and work with the energy of people and places. Highly sensitive as a child, she easily absorbed the energy of others, as well as being overly-affected by the energy held in environments. But through years of research, training and experience, Jean transformed her sensitivity into the power to work with energy on a very high level. Because of her personal experience with both the challenges and strengths of being an empath, she is well known as a compassionate and effective teacher, giving you meaningful tools you can put to immediate use in life. People all over the world have discovered in Jean’s workshops a community of like minds who support each other in their commitment to a more conscious path, one that is based on open-hearted compassion. Learn more at

Group Inquiry Request

Group Inquiry Request