Archarya Shunya

Having walked the Vedic path herself—from darkness to light, from emotional bondage to spiritual freedom—Acharya Shunya brings her humanity and insight to her teachings, awakening hope in troubled hearts and making profound Sanskrit source texts relatable and applicable to daily life.​

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Acharya Shunya is recognized as a modern mystic, sharing her insights at institutions such as UCSF, UCLA, Stanford, Kripalu, Omega, and the World Ayurveda Congress. Her work invites all to awaken to their inherent wholeness and embrace a path to spiritual freedom. An acclaimed author, Acharya Shunya has published three modern classics—Sovereign Self, Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom, and Roar Like a Goddess—each translated into multiple languages and celebrated for their depth and relevance.