Brant Secunda is a world-renowned shaman, healer, and spiritual teacher in the indigenous Huichol tradition. He is a co-founder of the American Herbalist Guild and the Humanistic Medicine Conference with the World Health Organization and co-founded the Peace University with president Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu, and other international dignitaries.
After completing an intensive 12-year apprenticeship with Don José Matsuwa, he founded the Dance of the Deer Foundation Center for Shamanic Studies and has dedicated his life to helping people find a deeper connection with their true nature. Recognized as a global thought leader and spiritual teacher, Brant has been a lecturer at the Mayo Clinic and the American Holistic Medical Association.He has spent the last four decades traveling the globe to bring healing, ceremony, and indigenous spiritual practices to those seeking a better understanding of their relationship with Mother Earth. Striving to bridge the worlds of fitness and spirituality, Brant co-authored the award-winning book Fit Soul, Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier You.
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