Dagmar Ehling, MAc, LAc, DOM(NM), Dipl OM, FABORM, is a founding partner of Oriental Health Solutions, LLC (OHS), and president of Oriental Health Source, Inc. She has been a licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico since 1989. Dagmar has a master’s degree in Acupuncture from Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, NM, is North Carolina State licensed, and is nationally certified in Oriental Medicine by the NCCAOM. She is the author of The Chinese Herbalist’s Handbook, taught at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine for five years, and was a founding member of the American Board of Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). She has been a credentialed acupuncturist at Duke Integrative Medicine, taught Oriental medicine to physicians in Germany and Italy for a decade, and lectures nationally and online. She is the CFO of OHS and a stock market investor. orientalhealthsolutions.com and ahw4you.com.
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