Roger Jahnke, OMD, has dedicated his life to sharing the powerful holistic healing traditions of China. He is the author of The Healer Within and The Healing Promise of Qi, and the director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC).
Dr. Jahnke has practiced Tai Chi, Qigong and Chinese medicine for more than 40 years, and is renowned for the clarity, compassion, humor, and depth of his teaching style. Dr. Jahnke has led 10 Qigong study tours, visiting hospitals, training centers, temples, and sacred sites in China, focusing on the cultivation of Qi for vitality and inner peace. Dr. Jahnke and colleagues at the IIQTC have contributed to the research evidence base and have trained well over 2,000 teachers and practice leaders internationally. Learn more about Dr. Jahnke and the mission of the IIQTC at