Dr. Jodie A. Dashore OTD, MS (Neurology), HHP, is an internationally recognized natural healer, author, teacher, mentor, research scientist, and clinician. She has recently been named TopDoc 2016-17 a leading practitioner of the world as a Naturopathic Clinician for neurological conditions. She has also received TopDoc for Holistic Health and wellness in New Jersey -2017. She completed her specialization in Neurology from the Seth GS Medical College and Kind Edward Hospital in Bombay. She went on to research collaboration on Stroke and Cognitive deficits and working as a consultant for the NHS in London, UK. Subsequently she immigrated to the United States. Due to unforeseen circumstances was unable to go back to school to earn her MD in the USA. Therefore she decided to earn her Advanced Clinical Doctorate – OT: Neurology (Stroke and Traumatic Brian Injury) and Evidence Based Medicine (Summa Cum Laude). She, then went on to complete post-doctoral specialization in Neuro Sensory Integration from University of Southern California. Dr. Dashore is also Board Certified in Holistic and Energy Medicine, German Biological medicines, Homotoxicology and Clinical Herbalism, having trained in the UK, Switzerland, and Germany. She is the founder and medical director of Integrative Neuro-Sensory Associates, LLC , a therapeutic, Sensory, biomedical, and integrative health and wellness practice in Marlboro, NJ. She works with children and adults from across the country and abroad who suffer from Autism, Lyme Disease, PANDAS, IBS, Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmune Disease, Mold and Biotoxin illness, Endocrine and hormone imbalances, Methylation concerns, Cancer and chronic disease.
Dr. Dashore is a trained spiritual counselor, a Yogi and a meditation leader. She has mentored with her Guru of 28 years Sadguru Baba Charan Singhji at his Ashram in Dera Beas, India. Dr Dashore has been a disciple of Gurudev Bhagwaan Rajneesh/ Osho until his sad demise.
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