Kimberly Carson, MPH, C-IAYT, is a mindfulness educator and yoga therapist at Oregon Health & Science University, in Portland, OR specializing in the therapeutic use and scientific study of mindfulness and yoga for people with medical challenges.
Kimberly currently offers mindfulness and yoga programs to chronic pain, cardiac, oncology (inpatient and outpatient), and internal medicine patients and has taught Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for over 20 years.
In addition to co-developing the Mindful Yoga program, which has been shown in research trials to significantly reduce pain and fatigue in those living with chronic pain, Kimberly has co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed articles and has co-directed national professional trainings for yoga teachers and allied health professionals at OHSU, Duke Integrative Medicine, VA Centers, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and other locations around the country. With Carol Krucoff, Kimberly co-authored Relax Into Yoga for Seniors; the second book in this series, Relax Into Yoga for Chronic Pain, co-authored by Jim & Kimberly Carson and Carol Krucoff will be published January 2, 2020 by New Harbinger.
Along with this wild tapestry of professional roles, Kimberly humbly navigates the waves of parenting twin teenagers, three cats, a miniature long-haired dachshund while feeding the crows in her neighborhood breakfast every morning. To learn more, visit