Laurie Watson

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Laurie Watson, a certified sex therapist, helps couples keep it hot as co-host with George Faller with their popular podcast, Foreplay Radio–Couples and Sex Therapy.

Laurie has been practicing sex therapy from attachment theory for more than 20 years (and marriage therapy for 30 years!) using her expertise in intimacy and healthy relationships to help couples improve both sexually and relationally. She’s an author of Wanting Sex Again: How to Rediscover Desire and Heal a Sexless Marriage and blogs for both Psychology Today and WebMD, with over 13 million reads. Laurie lectures at physician groups, marriage and family therapy programs, and the medical schools of UNC Chapel Hill and Duke on sexual function and dysfunction. Laurie encourages women to own their sexual passion and their imperfect but exhilarating bodies and men to understand the physiology and psychology behind female sexuality.

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