Shaaron Honeycutt

Shaaron min

CIYT, E-RYT 200. Certified Iyengar yoga teacher Shaaron Honeycutt is passionate about the power and strength of Iyengar yoga and the philosophy of the Yoga Sutras to transform and empower people’s understanding of themselves. Offering the “yin” and the “yang” of Iyengar yoga in all of its multiple facets combined with her dynamic and vibrant personality have created an international community of followers for her. Shaaron combines over 20 years of yoga teaching experience with a strong desire to enable people to perceive themselves as more than just a physical body and know themselves as the super beings that they truly are. The mind plays such a role in our health and well-being and it is through the practice of Iyengar yoga and the accompanying philosophy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras that she encourages one to fully manifest their inherent greatness. She has traveled three times to India to study with the Iyengar family in Pune and is certified at the Intermediate level of Iyengar yoga.

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