Tina Louise Spalding

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After a difficult time and a deep dissatisfaction with life. Tina found solace in the spiritual text A Course In Miracles, focusing intently on its teachings and practices. After ten years of internal transformations initiated by this book, On the summer solstice of 2012 she was infused with a powerful and ecstatic energy as she laid down for a nap. Little did she know that a group of non-physical teachers, known as Ananda, were preparing her for what would become her lifeʼs work, speaking, writing and teaching the core principles of Truth. That summer she channeled Making Love to God.

In the second book that Tina channeled, Great Minds Speak to You, twenty deceased celebrities of the last century each gave a message through Tina. The twentieth contributor to that book was Jesus, the ultimate celebrity in a sense. This opened up yet another amazing journey for Tina, channeling the fascinating and profound,  Jesus, My Autobiography, which has been widely read and accepted in the A Course in Miracles Community. Her daily readings of the ACIM Lessons with a commentary by Jesus afterwards on Youtube are followed by people from all over the world.

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