Win A Weekend of Happiness
in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Drop your cares and find inspiration on a weekend away inspired by youtuber, natural food and products lover, Bambi fan and “the girl with the long hair”,

Sarah Nagel.

The retreat includes Ayurveda Based Massages at Shankara Ayurveda Spa, Specialized Yoga & Meditation classes, delicious meals, and many other resources to help you find the place of peace and calm within you.

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Sarah Nagel

sarah nagel sep5 2019

I’ve always been drawn to holistic living, however it wasn’t until I became sick that I truly embraced this lifestyle. I developed severe cystic acne, extreme social anxiety and debilitating OCD. My days consisted of panic attacks, avoiding human interaction, depression, and looking in the mirror hating my skin. I knew something had to change. That’s when I began my holistic journey and I haven’t looked back since! This lifestyle has completely changed my life for the better. I believe everything happens for a reason and would not want to change anything I went through as it has led me to become the person I am today. My past experiences have led me to my true passion and now I can share my journey with you guys.

Art of Living Retreat Center

Located in the peaceful Blue Ridge Mountains, the center is an oasis to discover health and happiness at all levels. Here are a few of the reasons people enjoy visiting:
web labyrinth silent retreat
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Space for You

Majestic Nature

Welcoming Community