Katina Makris


Katina Makris, CCH, CIH has worked in natural healthcare for over 30 years. She is a graduate of Duke University and The Stillpoint School of Integrative Life Healing. A popular veteran newspaper health columnist, magazine contributing editor and blogger, former board member of the national Council for Homeopathic Certification, award winning author of “Out of the Woods, Healing Lyme Disease, Body, Mind & Spirit”, and her current breakthrough book “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit”, now in foreign translations. Katina hosted 2 years of “LymeLight Radio with Katina” on the Dr. Pat Show syndicate with 2 million listeners globally.
Katina’s frontier vision wakes the world up to why Western medicine’s 1950‘s ‘dashboard light doctor’ model is failing us and we are sick to the tune of 250 million with autoimmune style diseases globally. She is the go-to recovery expert on advanced neurological Lyme disease, bedridden and misdiagnosed, with her own ten year journey.
As a Certified Classical Homeopath, Certified Intuitive Spiritual Healer and Health Counselor, Katina’s experience, compassion and ability to work so effectively in group settings to prompt immediate healing shifts is life altering for many.
She is the Inspirational Speaker at the renowned Ticked Off Music Fest Series, a fundraising and awareness Lyme disease campaign, as well as having given over 150 presentations, keynote speeches and workshops just within the last five years. More