Rachel Fleischman, LCSW, REAT helps people move out of their heads and into their bodies to heal. A seasoned psychotherapist, educator, speaker, and writer, she is the founder of the Dance Your Bliss™ healing system and the Being Bliss meditation CDs. Rachel has pioneered the combination of psychology with movement, neuroscience, expressive-arts and spirituality.
Over the past decade, Rachel has helped countless people deepen their creativity, live their full expression, and love themselves fiercely. Dance Your Bliss™ has been featured at Omega’s Being Yoga Conference, Women & Courage Conference, Naropa’s Hakomi Conference, Hollyhock, UCSF Women’s Health, Rancho La Puerta Spa, and the International Dance Therapy Conference.
Rachel writes for Elephant Journal and Psychology Today and travels frequently, teaching Dance Your Bliss throughout the US and abroad. She currently maintains a private practice in San Francisco, CA.
For more information, you can visit Rachel at: dancingyourbliss.com and blisscounseling.com