don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.

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don Miguel Ruiz Jr., is a Nagual, a Toltec Master of Transformation. He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Knight lineage and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz.

By combining the wisdom of his family’s traditions with the knowledge gained from his own personal journey, don Miguel now helps others realize their own path to personal freedom. Along with his father, don Miguel Ruiz Sr., and brother, don Jose Ruiz, don Miguel Jr leads workshops, retreats, and power journeys to help others to achieve their own personal freedom and optimal physical and spiritual health. He is the author of the books: The Five Levels of Attachment, Living a Life of Awareness, The Mastery of Self, and don Miguel Ruiz’s Little Book of Wisdom. He also co-authored the book, The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships with his dear friend, HeatherAsh Amara.

He now helps others discover optimal physical and spiritual health through his books, so that they may achieve their own personal freedom. He also hosts a successful weekly internet radio show, “The Way of the Desert”.