
Childs Pose

The Power of Stillness: Exploring Restorative Yoga and Meditation as the Days Shorten

The beauty of winter lies in its stillness, how your senses become heightened by every little movement and sound in nature around this time of the year. Many species choose this time to hibernate, restore, and conserve their energies while we humans put on the layers and continue to socialize, connect, and spend time with

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Yoga for Winter Solstice

Come December 21, we shall have the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, technically called the Winter Solstice, marking the official onset of winter. The term “solstice” comes from Latin, and it means “sun standing still,” as the sun’s path appears to pause before reversing direction. Solstices occur twice a year, around

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A Woman in Camel Pose

5 Heart-Opening Yoga Poses to Share With Your Students This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of connection, gratitude, and compassion, making it the perfect opportunity to focus on heart-opening yoga poses in your classes. These poses can help students release tension, cultivate openness, and bring more mindfulness into their interactions. Here are five heart-opening poses to share with your students this holiday season. 1.

5 Heart-Opening Yoga Poses to Share With Your Students This Holiday Season Read More »